What is a Senco?

What is a SENCo?

All schools have a Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo).

A SENCo is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the school's SEN policy. All mainstream schools and early years settings must appoint a teacher to be their SENCo.

What is the role of a SENCo?

The SENCO will co-ordinate additional support for pupils with SEN and liaise with their parents, teachers and other professionals who are involved with them.

A SENCo is responsible, in schools and early education settings, for the operation of the SEN policy and coordination of provision for children with learning difficulties. In conjunction with the headteacher at the school, and the governing body, a SENCo will be seeking to develop effective ways of overcoming barriers to learning and sustaining effective teaching to meet pupils’ needs.

The SENCo has responsibility for requesting the involvement of an Educational Psychologist and other external services. A SENco may also refer you to a paediatrician who specializes in developmental issues.


Page last reviewed: 15/04/2024

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