What is the Local Offer?

The aim of our Local Offer is to have accurate and easy to understand information about SEND services, and how to access them, all in one place. 

What you need to know about the local offer 

The SEND reforms from the Children and Families Act 2014, required local authorities to list education, health, and social care services for children, young people, and families with SEN or disabilities in an online directory called the Local Offer. The Bracknell Forest Local Offer is called the 'Additional Needs Ino Hub"

Developing the Local Offer involves collaboration with children, young people, families, schools, colleges, health services, and other providers. Feedback from children, young people, and parents helps keep the Local Offer current and effective.The Local Offer also helps identify service gaps and areas for improvement. 

 Let us know what you think:

We want your comments, tell us what you think about the local offer and services you get from us and others. 

You can email us, fis@bracknell-forest.gov.uk 

Help us make the local offer better!

The local offer is constantly being updated and we welcome any suggestions to improve our service. Get involved by joining one of our parent or young person forums. For more information please email fis@bracknell-forest.gov.uk

List a service or activity

If you provide a service appropriate for families who have children or youn people with SEND and would you like to publicise it here, please use the 'Register' link above or contact us by email fis@bracknell-forest.gov.uk.

Key aims

See section 30 of the Children and Families Act 2014 (external link) for further details on the Local Offer.

What must a local offer include?

The Local Offer must include information about the services available in Bracknell Forest including:

  • education, health care and Social services provision
  • arrangements for identifying and assessing children and young people with SEND
  • how services are accessed (including eligibility criteria) and how decisions are made
  • arrangements for supporting children and young people in their school as well as moving between school phases
  • services to support young people in preparing for adulthood and independence
  • arrangements for disagreement resolution, complaints, mediation and appealing to the SEND Tribunal
  • information for feedback and review of the Local Offer


Page last reviewed: 15/04/2024

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