Berkshire Gay Link

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We're a social group which organises a range of social activities away from the commercial/gay scene for gay men living in and around Berkshire. A social programme is published roughly every 2 months within a newsletter posted out to all members.

We've run visits to country parks, houses, museums, galleries, gardens at members homes for coffee evenings, cheese and wine, buffets, Christmas parties, BBQs, gourmet meals, quizzes, Scrabble, video viewings, chatting, Trivial Pursuits at restaurants for meals, bowling, swimming, cycling group holidays or weekends away, theme park visits, car boots, dog walking.

There's something for everyone, and if not you can influence what other events we run by suggesting them, even if you don't want to run them yourself. You don't have to conform to any stereotypes with BGL.

Who to contact

Contact Name
Text 07808 528 994 (Start message with BGL) Text 07808 528 994 (Start message with BGL)
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Time / Date Details

Session Information
2 x month meet ups at various locations
please contact for full details. Typically 19:30 for a meal or 20:00 for other social events. Annual membership £12 single or £20 household.


Unwaged Singles £5, Waged Singles £10, Couples £15


Age Ranges
Referral not required


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