Berkshire Healthcare Foundation Trust (BHFT) Children and Young Peoples Integrated Therapies (CYPIT) Online Toolkit Links

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Berkshire Healthcare Foundation Trust (BHFT) Children and Young Peoples Integrated Therapies (CYPIT) Online Toolkit Links

Communication and Hearing:

Auditory processing, Babbling and baby talk, Basic communication strategies, Deafness and hearing loss, English as an additional language, Expressive language, Grammar, Listening and attention, Sequencing and narrative data, Social communication, Speech sounds Stammering, Steps to talking, Toddler talk, Typical speech sounds, Unclear speech, Understanding language, Vocab.

Child Safety:

Burns and scalds, Button batteries, Choking, Poisoning, Safe sleeping, Sun and heat safety, Water safety, Winter safety, Window safety, Suffocation and strangulation.

Eating, Allergies and Healthy Lifestyle:

Allergies, Asthma, Coping with lumpy foods, Finger feeding, Fussy eating, Healthy lifestyle, Introducing solid foods, Using cutlery.

Developing Independence:

Buttons and zips, Dressing skills, Organisation and planning skills. Putting on socks and shoes, Switching tasks, Paying attention, School readiness.

Fine Motor Skills:

Fine motor skills Hand skills, Handwriting, Letter and number Reversal in writing, Pre-writing activities, Scissor skills, In hand manipulation, Visual perception, Shoulder stability and fine motor skills.

Gross Motor skills:

Bilateral integration - co ordinating left and right, Catching and throwing balls, Confidence and self-esteem in movement, Core stability, Hypermobility, Pelvic stability, Planning movement (motor planning), Riding a tricycle.

Toilet Training and Bedwetting

Sensory Processing:

Touch - tactile system, Vestibular (movement) system, Proprioception, Auditory (hearing) system, Visual (sight) system, Sensory Circuits.


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