Personal Budgets

Personal Budgets

From September 2014, EHCP’s will replace Statement of Educational Needs. Despite the new framework, there will still be three distinct sources of funding you or your child may be eligible to accesss. They are:

Education Budgets

Most of the money that is used to fund SEND in schools has already been given over to schools in the form of Delegated SEN Funding. This money is paid to schools by Bracknell, but the Council cannot withhold any of this grant. As a result, the Head teacher can use this budget to meet the school’s obligations to support the needs of the pupils attending the school

There is an additional amount of funding that is available to children and young people who have very high, complex needs and without additional funding would otherwise not achieve in their educational placements. This is known as high needs block funding, which can only be accessed by children and young people with an EHCP.

Health budgets

A personal budget is an amount of money or resources available in order to deliver the outcomes set out in a plan.  The total personal budget should be made clear to parent carers so they can be involved in all decision making in order to choose the right provision to best meet the outcomes identified in the child or young persons care plan.

Social Care Budgets

Social Care personal budgets will only be available to children eligible for services from Children’s Social Care. The amount of the budget will be determined by an assessment of need and a Resource Allocation System (RAS) Questionnaire. The RAS will assess a child or young person’s needs in order to achieve daily living skills, participate in school and the wider community, achieve potential and the support a family may need to continue supporting a child with special needs or disabilities. This funding will be made available to families to help them build a support plan that fits them and their needs, working in co-production to find a bespoke solution that works for all.

Education, Health and Social Care will all have assessments and will all write plans. However, if a child or young person is assessed as having Educational needs – all three plans will be used together as the EHCP.  This will help us support you or your child more completely and thus improve outcomes.


Page last reviewed: 30/06/2021

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